Administrative actions such as contempt
of court.
t o p r e v i o u s N A V P E R S
Enlisted Performance Record
(NAVPERS 1070/609Page 9)
T h e E n l i s t e d P e r f o r m a n c e R e c o r d
(NAVPERS 1070/609) is shown in figure 2-23.
This record provides a cumulative account of an
enlisted members performance evaluations.
Enlisted performance evaluations are used to
Selection to warrant or commissioned
Selection for special programs, projects,
and courses of instruction.
The awarding of the Good Conduct Medal
and/or Certificate.
Type of discharge.
Reenlistment desirability.
Reduction in rate for incompetency.
Early separation by administrative
Record of Personnel Actions
(NAVPERS 1070/610Page 10)
The Record of Personnel Actions (NAVPERS
1070/610) shown in figure 2-24 is used to record
changes in rate or rating, proficiency pay, citizen-
ship, and other appropriate entries.
Record of Naval Reserve Service
(NAVPERS 1070/611Page 11)
The Record of Naval Reserve Service
(NAVPERS 1070/611) shown in figure 2-25 pro-
vides a chronological record by anniversary year
of retirement points earned by Naval Reserve
enlisted personnel. For individuals who were
members of the Naval Reserve on 1 July 1949,
the anniversary year begins on 1 July and ends
on 30 June as long as service in the Reserve was
or is continuous. The anniversary year begins on
the date of enlistment or reenlistment for in-
dividuals enlisting or reenlisting with broken
service in the Naval Reserve after 1 July 1949.
Administrative Remarks
(NAVPERS 1070/613Page 13)
T h e A d m i n i s t r a t i v e R e m a r k s p a g e
(NAVPERS 1070/613) shown in figure 2-26 is
used as a chronological record of significant
miscellaneous entries not provided for elsewhere
in the service record. It is also used for recording
more detailed information concerning entries on
other service record pages.
Record of Discharge From the
U.S. Naval ReserveInactive
(NAVPERS 1070/615Page 14)
A Record of Discharge From the U.S. Naval
ReserveInactive (NAVPERS 1070/615) shown
in figure 2-27 is prepared upon the honorable
discharge of an enlisted reservist on inactive
duty by reason of expiration of enlistment or
obligated service. Discharge of enlisted reservists
on inactive duty for any other reason is recorded
on the Administrative Remarks page (NAVPERS
1070/613) of the service record.
Certificate of Release or
Discharge From Active Duty
(DD Form 214Page 15)
The Certificate of Release or Discharge From
Active Duty (DD Form 214) serves as the last page
of the enlisted service record. Copy 2 of this form
is shown in figure 2-28 and is prepared for each
enlisted person who is being separated or dis-
charged from active duty and at certain times
when the enlisted person has a change of status
but continues on active duty. This copy would be
the last page of the service record and is placed
on top of the right side of the NAVPERS
1070/600 (Enlisted Service Record Folder). Copy
1 shown in figure 2-29 is given to the enlisted
member. The RP would have to check the left side
of the NAVPERS 1070/600 folder under the
separator (NAVPERS 1070/617) for screening
DD Form 214 information specified by assigned-