Groton, Ct
Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Illinois,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Indiana, Delaware, Newfoundland,
Iceland, Bermuda, Azores, United Kingdom, Crete, Middle
East, Europe
Norfolk, VA
Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Naval
District (Washington, DC), Cuba
Charleston, SC
Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana,
Texas, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, West Indies,
Virgin and other Caribbean Islands, Panama
San Diego, CA
California South of Big Sur, Arizona
San Francisco, CA
California (Big Sur and Lemoore North), Oregon, Washington,
Nevada, Alaska
Pearl Harbor, HI
Hawaii, Midway, Marianas, Philippines, Japan, Okinawa,
Taiwan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, all other Pacific,
Indian Ocean, and Asian locations
Figure 4-31.Areas of responsibility of regional librarians from Naval General Library Manual (NAVEDTRA 38021).
NOTE: Orders and bulletins are issued
in the Marine Corps Directives System and have
the same effect as instructions and notices
issued in the Navy Directives Issuance System.
Chapter 6Combat Intelligence
Chapter 7Operations
Chapter 8Fire Support
Chapter 9Marine Aviation Operations
Chapter 10Combat Service Support
The Marine Corps Directives System (MCO
P5215.1) publication establishes policies and
standards on the operation and maintenance of
the Marine Corps Directives System. It is
designed to prescribe uniform methods for
issuance, filing, and maintenance. MCO P5215.1
consists of the following four sections:
Section IDefinitions and Responsibilities
Section IIPreparation of Directives
Section IIIMaintenance of Directives
Section IVFormats
Although the majority of command directives
are prepared and typed in the administrative
office, the RP is required by occupational
standards to be familiar with the various types of
directives. A standard method of issuing direc-
tives in the Navy is provided in the Department
of the Navy Directives Issuance System (SEC-
NAVINST 5215.1). As stated earlier in this
chapter, separate issuance of Marine Corps direc-
tives is contained in MCO P5215.1. The remain-
ing sections of this chapter will be used to discuss
the guidelines outlined in SECNAVINST 5215.1.
NOTE: The formats of directives are intended to
follow those of the naval letter. Therefore, the
provisions of the Department of the Navy Cor-
respondence Manual (SECNAVINST 5216.5) also
applies to directives.