The collections for the Sunday services were
counted by two adults from each religious group
(Roman Catholic and Protestant) and certified
by their respective account custodians (Roman
CatholicRPC Marvin R. Smithers; and Prot-
estantRP2 Alice L. Ship). Figures II-5-3 and
II-5-4 show the breakdown of the monies col-
lected. The entry required to bring the Receipts
and Expenditures Record up to date is shown in
check issued by the chapel fund administrator to
pay for the medals. The entry required to bring
the Receipts and Expenditures Record up to date
is shown in figure II-5-15.
SEPTEMBER 21, 1980
The collections for the Sunday services were
counted by two adults from each religious group
figure II-5-5.
and certified by their respective account custo-
SEPTEMBER 14, 1980
dians. Figures II-5-16 and II-5-17 show the
breakdown of the monies collected. The entry
required to bring the Receipts and Expenditures
Record up to date is shown in figure II-5-18.
The collections for the Sunday services were
counted by two adults from each religious group
and certified by their respective account custo-
dians. Figures II-5-6 and II-5-7 show the break-
down of the monies collected. The entry
required to bring the Receipts and Expenditures
Record up to date is shown in figure II-5-8.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1980
The Roman Catholic Advisory Committee
and Protestant Advisory Council held a working
luncheon today to discuss the setting of goals for
the Command Religious Program for fiscal year
1981. The Roman Catholic and Protestant ac-
counts were charged the amounts indicated on
the Purchase Orders illustrated in figures II-5-9
and II-5-10 to pay for the luncheon. A check was
issued by the chapel fund administrator to cover
this expense and is shown in figure II-5-11. The
entry required to bring the Receipts and Espend-
itures Record up to date is shown in figure
SEPTEMBER 18, 1980
A shipment of religious medals that was
ordered from the Ecumenical Bookstore arrived
today. Figure II-5-13 shows the Purchase Order
for this transaction; figure II-5-14 shows the
SEPTEMBER 26, 1980
As indicated in Chapter 4, the Roman
Catholic and Protestant groups purchase
flowers from Pretty Florist at a cost of per
Sunday. The cost of the flowers is divided
equally between each account and is paid on the
last Friday of the month. There are four Sun-
days in September, so the cost of the flowers is
. However, the two groups decided to order
additional flowers for the last Sunday in
September. This purchase cost the fund another
and, added to the basic charge for the
month, made the total cost of the flowers 0.
Figures II-5-19 and II-5-20 show the Purchase
Orders for this transaction; figure II-5-21 shows
the check issued by the chapel fund administra-
tor to pay for the flowers. The entry required to
bring the Receipts and Expenditures Record up
to date is shown in figure II-5-22.
SEPTEMBER 28, 1980
The collections for the Sunday services were
counted by two adults from each religious group
and certified by their respective account custo-
dians. Figures II-5-23 and II-5-24 show the
breakdown of the monies collected. The entry
required to bring the Receipts and Expenditures
Record up to date is shown in figure II-5-25.