account custodian must enter additional items
on the next and succeeding lines. For example:
The entry for this Purchase Order is 25.
l Descriptionan identification number,
if there is one, and a brief description of the item
is entered in this space. The entry is #4676521
Religious Medals.
. Unitthe ordering unit that is being pur-
chased is entered in this space. The entry is Each
or EA. A few other examples of what may
appear in this space with their unit issue abbre-
viations are:
l Unit Pricethe price for each unit is
entered here. The entry is .00.
. Amountthe total cost of the order is
entered in this column. The entry is .00. This
is figured by multiplying the quantity times the
unit price.
. Date Requiredthe latest date that the
account custodian will accept delivery of the
order is entered in this space. The account custo-
dian ensures that enough time is allowed for the
vendor to fill the order. The entry is August 15,
. Signature of Authorized Represen-
tativethe account custodian, RPC M. R.
Smithers, signs his name in the space provided to
authorize any expenditure from the groups
account. It is important to note again that the
commanding officer actually has control over
any fund aboard the command and it is actually
under this authority that expenditures are
authorized. However, the commanding officer
normally delegates this authority to the account
custodian of each designated religious group
within the Command Religious Program.
Therefore, for the rest of this practice account-
ing application, it may be assumed that each
account custodian has been granted the author-
ity to expend funds in accordance with the
wishes of each particular religious group or
category. The membership of advisory commit-
tees or councils will reflect the opinion of the
particular group or religious category that they
represent; and these organizations will advise the
account custodian in regard to the groups
. Total Expenditurethis is the total
amount of the Purchase Order and provides a
convenient place for the chapel fund adminis-
trator to initial the Purchase Order which indi-
cates that there are sufficient funds in the
account to cover the cost of the goods or serv-
ices. The entry is Total Expenditure, .00,
MRS (chapel fund administrator initials).
This completes the required entries for Part 1
of a Purchase Order. Some commands may re-
quire that certain additional information be
included on this form. However, regardless of
the information that is required, the account
custodian, chapel fund administrator, and com-
mand chaplain must ensure that the funds do
exist for the merchandise desired. To ensure
continuity, the chapel fund administrator will
forward all Purchase Order requests to the com-
mand chaplain for information and/or approval
PART 3 (GREEN COPY).Figure II-4-20
illustrates the completed portion of the July 17
order for the medals and the August 3 Receiving
Clerk portion acknowledging the receipt of the
medals. The top half of this form is almost iden-
tical to Part 1 in figure II-4-19. The only dif-
ference is that a Quantity Received column is
contained on Part 3. This column is inserted so
that the account custodian can enter the number
of items received in the space provided. This
number should equal the number in the Quantity
column. The account custodian counted the
medals received on August 3 and the number