integral part of the NSF. It serves as the
3. An organization in the Navy (a ship in
holding account for NSF-procured supplies
this explanation) needs to replace material which
until they are sold. Thus, the total value of the
has been used in its operations. A requisition
NSF actually consists of money on hand plus the
DD Form 1348) is submitted to the appropriate
value of the supplies maintained in the NSA.
supply activity requesting the material.
Figure II-3-3 shows the basic operation of the
NSF. A brief description of the numbered steps
in this figure is shown below.
1. Material is purchased by the NSF from
commercial suppliers, the Defense Logistics
Agency (DLA), the Departments of the Army
and Air Force, and the General Services
Administration (GSA).
The ship in step 3 forwards a copy of the
requisition document to the appropriate Fleet
Accounting and Disbursing Center (FAADC)
for use in performing the ships official
operating target (OPTAR) accounting. The
FAADC reduces the ships budget by the
amount of the DD Form 1348. Operating targets
will be explained later in this chapter.
2. The suppliers in step 1 deliver material to
designated naval supply activities where it is held
in the inventory account (Navy Stock Account)
until requested-by a Navy customer.