Commanding officers are responsible for the
proper and effective utilization of OPTAR
funds. The supply officer is responsible for
maintaining OPTAR records and submitting
status and transaction reports to the command-
ing officer. In discharging this responsibility, the
supply officer relies on the storekeeper who
performs the task as the OPTAR recordkeeper.
This designated individual maintains the
Requisition/OPTAR Log (NAVCOMPT Form
2155) shown in figure II-3-6. It is very important
that all departments aboard ship or at a shore
installation maintain a close liaison with both
the supply officer and OPTAR recordkeeper to
ensure that accurate records are kept. The com-
mand chaplain must assume responsibility for
the proper utilization of the OPTAR funds
which are allocated to the office of the chaplain.
The RP will be expected to oversee the
expenditures within the office of the chaplain or,
at least, will be assigned accounting respon-
sibilities for the CRP OPTAR. Through careful
planning and strict adherence to locally
established OPTAR procedures, the RP will be
able to contribute significantly to the overall
mission of the ship or command. The RP should
seek advice from the personnel in the supply
department whenever needed.
Many of the concepts involved with how the
Navy obtains and spends money were explained
in the preceding sections of this chapter. It is
important to remember that OPTAR funds have
to do specifically with the purchase of supplies
and equipage; and, that all other funds and
appropriations are used for other designated
functions. The next area that will be discussed
has to do with obtaining the services of auxiliary
chaplains, contract chaplains, and clergy for
occasional ministries to assist in the Command
Religious Program. Procedures and guidelines
for the employment of these clergypersons are
outlined in SECNAVINST 1730.3.
The RP should be familiar with the termi-
nology associated with the hiring of civilian
clergy who assist in the CRP. Listed below are
three definitions which RPs should know con-
cerning the employment of civilian clergy-
1. Service contractone which calls directly
for a persons (contractors) time and effort
rather than for an end product.
2. Personal services contractthe procuring
of services by contract in such a manner that the
person (contractor) is in effect an employee of
the Government.
3. Nonpersonal services contractthe pro-
curing of services of a person (contractor) by
agencies of the Department of Defense in which
the person (contractor) is not considered to be
an employee of the Government.
Commanding officers may obtain the serv-
ices of civilian clergy to serve as auxiliary
chaplains in meeting the religious needs of per-
sonnel when military chaplains are not available;
or, when there is a specific need for additional
professional personnel to supplement the
already existing professional staff. These clergy-
persons will be hired on a personal services
Guidelines for Appointment
The RP must be aware of the guidelines
surrounding the appointment of auxiliary
chaplains. Some of the specific guidelines are
listed below.
1. Auxiliary chaplains will be given appoint-
ments for conducting regular services on a fee
2. Auxiliary chaplains will be employed only
in those situations where adequate coverage by
commissioned Navy chaplains is not available.
3. Auxiliary chaplains will be responsible to
the commanding officer of the ship or installa-
tion which they serve; and, their supervision will
be exercised through the local activitys com-
mand chaplain.