Figure II-5-19.Purchase Order Part 3 (Roman Catholic Account, September 26, 1980).
2. Franciscan Fathersfigure II-5-29 shows
the Purchase Order for this transaction; figure
3. Sisters of Charityfigure II-5-32 shows
II-5-30 shows the check issued by the chapel
fund administrator for the donation. The entry
required to bring the Receipts and Expenditures
Record up to date is shown in figure II-5-31.
the Purchase Order for this transaction; figure
II-5-33 shows the check issued by the chapel
fund administrator for the donation. The entry
required to bring the Receipts and Expenditures
Record up to date is shown in figure II-5-34.
4. Sacred Heart HospitalFigure II-5-35
shows the Purchase Order for this transaction;
figure II-5-36 shows the check issued by the
chapel fund administrator for the donation. The
entry required to bring the Receipts and Expend-
itures Record up to date is shown in figure
5. Most Holy Sacrament Conventfigure
II-5-38 shows the Purchase Order for this trans-
action; figure II-5-39 shows the check issued by
the chapel fund administrator for the donation.
The entry required to bring the Receipts and Ex-
penditures Record up to date is shown in figure
6. St. Bernard Seminaryfigure II-5-41
shows the Purchase Order for this transaction;
figure II-5-42 shows the check issued by the
chapel fund administrator for the donation. The
entry required to bring the Receipts and Expend-
itures Record up to date is shown in figure