Note in the Julian Date Calendar shownbelow that the 225th day is August 13. Thisoccurred because this calendar is used for count-ing the days in nonleap years (1981, 1982, 1983,1985, 1986, 1987, etc.). It is important that theRP use the right calendar when Julian dates areutilized.Since this requisition is being transmitted in aleap year, the correct entry for card columns 36through 39 for August 12, 1980, is “0225.”Card columns 40-43(SERIAL)Serial numbers are assigned at the discretionof the originating command. The personnel inthe supply department will assist the RP indetermining the proper serial number for eachrequisition. Serial numbers cannot be duplicatedon the same day. The Naval Education andTraining ProgramDevelopment Center(NAVEDTRAPRODEVCEN) has assigned theserial number block “ø2øø through 0299” to theCommand Religious Program for fiscal year1980. This is the 23rd requisition of the yearprocessed by the office of the chaplain;therefore, “0223” is the proper entry for cardcolumns 40 through 43.NOTE: Card columns 30 through 43 (SER-V I C E , R E Q U I S I T I O N E R , D A T E , a ndSERIAL) make up the document number of arequisition. The document number for thisrequisition is shown below. Appendix 24 ofNAVSUP P-437 provides guidance on properentries for document numbers.Card Column 44(DEMAND)Stock points (NSCs, NSDs, INASs, andDSCs) are financed on the basis of an annualbudget. The inventory manager at each of thesestock points must rely primarily upon thedemand coding assigned by the customer duringthe previous year to project which items must bereplenished for the next year. Therefore,demand coding is the MOST IMPORTANT ele-ment of a DD Form 1348 to the customer and tothe supply system which is tasked with the con-tinual support of all customers. Demand codesare listed in Appendix 13 of NAVSUP P-437.2-21
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