NSN/NATO number) and “AOA” (requisitionfor domestic shipment with NSN/NATOnumber). If a situation arises where a differentcode is needed, the personnel in the supplydepartment will assist in determining the propercode. The code is used for this requisi-tion.Card Columns 4 - 6(ROUTING IDENTIFIER)Every requisition must contain the routingidentifier code of the supply source to whom therequisition is being sent. This code must coincidewith the address of the activity shown in datablock A. Routing identifier codes are listed inAppendix 10 of NAVSUP P-437. Listed beloware the routing identifiers for naval supplycenters (NSCs), naval supply depots (NSDs), in-dustrial naval air stations (INASs), and defensesupply centers (DSCs).The personnel in the supply departmentmaintain a comprehensive list of other supplysources and will provide the RP with the correctrouting identifier for any item upon request. Theproper routing identifier for this requisition is“S9G” since the Defense General SupplyCenter, Richmond, Virginia, is the source ofsupply for ecclesiastical material.Card Column 7(MEDIA AND STATUS CODE)The media and status code is a one-characternumeric or alphabetic code used to indicate thestatus that is required or requested by therequisitioner concerning each requisition. Thiscode also designates which activity is to receivethe status and the communications media (mailor message) that will be used to transmitthe status. Media and status codes are listedin Appendix 6 of NAVSUP P-437. For this2-18
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