Assignment 1
The Religious Program Specialist
Textbook Assignment: RP, Module II, NET 287-02-45-81, Chapter 1, Pages 1-1 through 1-17.
In this course you will demonstrate that learning has taken place by correctly answering
training items.
The mere physical act of indicating a choice on an answer sheet is not in itself
important; it is the mental achievement, in whatever form it may take, prior to the physical act
that is important and toward which nonresident career course learning objectives are directed.
The selection of the correct choice for a course training item indicates that you have fulfilled,
at least in part, the stated objective(s).
The accomplishment of certain objectives, for example, a physical act such as drafting a memo,
cannot readily be determined by means of objective-type course items; however, you can demonstrate
by means of answers to training items that you have acquired the requisite knowledge to perform
the physical act.
The accomplishment of certain other learning objectives, for example, the
mental acts of comparing, recognizing, evaluating, choosing, selecting, etc., may be readily
demonstrated in a course by indicating the correct answers to training items.
The comprehensive objective for this course has already been given. It states the purpose
of the course in terms of what you will be able to do as you complete the course.
The detailed objectives in each assignment state what you should accomplish as you progress
through the course.
They may appear singly or in clusters of closely related objectives, as
appropriate; they are followed by items which will enable you to indicate your accomplishment.
All objectives in this course are learning
objectives and items are teaching items.
point out important things, they assist in
learning, and they should enable you to do a better
job for the Navy.
RP personnel are combatants and are
responsible for the chaplains safety
Learning Objective: Recognize the
when assigned to units engaged in combat.
establishment of the Religious
Program Specialist (RP) rating;
formulate the role of the RP;
determine the standards and
Which of the following duties would NOT
publications provided RPs to guide
be performed by the RP?
and assist them in their
occupational advancement.
The RP rating was established on what date?
1 October 1978
15 October 1978
1 January 1979
4. 15 January 1979
1-2. Approximately two-thirds of the tasks
RPs are trained to perform are of a
clerical nature.
1 . Maintaining records for nonappropriated
chapel funds
Maintaining shipboard libraries
Training volunteer personnel in support
of religious programs
Conducting worship services on an
emergency basis
RPs can NOT exercise any of the ministerial
functions of a Navy chaplain.
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