security classification, we designate and safeguard
material, information, and records as For Official Use
Only (FOUO) to concur with the Department of the
Navy Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program,
SECNAVINST 5720.42E. You should exercise care to
assure the CRP does not become accessible to
unapproved persons. Therefore, you must give FOUO
material a higher degree of protection than other
unclassified material.
IMMIGRANT ALIEN. Any person allowed into
the United States for permanent residence under an
immigration visa.
MARKING. The physical act of stamping on
classified material the assigned classification, changes
in classification, downgrading and declassification
instructions, and any confines on the use of the classified
NATIONAL SECURITY. The national defense
and foreign relations of the United States.
NEED TO KNOW. The necessity for access to,
knowledge of, or possession of classified information to
carry out proper military or other government duties.
is owned by, created for or by, or is subject to the control
of the United Stales Government.
SECRET. The title that applies only to
information or material expected to cause serious
damage to the national security.
SECURITY. A sustained condition of classified
information that prevents illegal persons from obtaining
information of direct or indirect military value. This
case results from the crest ion and protection of measures
that enable a state of inviolability from militant acts of
comply with the rules related to the security of classified
TOP SECRET. the title that applies only to
information expected to cause exceptionally grave
damage to the national security.
TRANSMISSION. Effort involving the actual
transfer of custody and duty for a document or other
classified material from one command to another or to
another empowered addressee.
The 50 states; District of Columba; Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico; territories of Guam, American Samoa, and
the Vigin Islands; Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands;
Canal Zone; and the possessions of Midway and Wake
UPGRADE. To decide that certain classified
information requires, in the interest of national security,
a higher degree of shelter against unauthorized
disclosure, combined with a changing of the
classification designation to reflect the higher degree.
Classified information can be compromised
through careless talk, actual subversion by enemy
agents, careless handling of classified material, and in
various other ways. To make sure the office of the
chaplain does its part in protecting classified material,
you need to develop sound security habits as a matter of
routine. You must not store classified material (Top
Secret, Secret, and Confidential) in the office of the
chaplain. If a situation arises that requires a chaplain or
an RPas an approved person-to review classified
material, you or the chaplain may review the material in
the office of the chaplain and return the material at once
or you or the chaplain may proceed to where the
command safeguards classified material. In either case,
you must exercise security awareness.
To handle all your duties and responsibilities in
religious programming, you must become computer
literate. This means you should have a basic knowledge
of word and data processing systems and equipment. If
you are not already familiar with the variety of functions
you can perform by using computer programs, systems,
and equipment, the information in this chapter is
designed to provide you with a basic introduction to
these important tools. As an RP, you will use these tools
to solve problems and to handle the processing of data.
Word processing equipment and computers can
facilitate providing quality ministry to sea service
personnel. Some areas where this equipment is used
include the management of research, program design,
cost accounting, planning, and control of religious
programs and processes. As a result, many chaplains
offices are involved with the use of these important
In your career as an RP, you will be assigned to
handle matters related to the administration of religious
programs and chaplain support in religious program
development. Your skills in automated systems should
include word processing, the use of spread sheets,
desktop publishing, graphics, data base management,
communication, and disk operating systems. These