1710 Octavia Street
San Francisco, CA 94190
(415) 776-5600
Sagaponack Zendo, Sagaponack, NY
Wat Promkunaram, Waddell, AZ
San Francisco Zen Center, San Francisco, CA
Wider Shin Buddhist Fellowship, Morganton, NC
Santa Barbara Buddhist Priory, Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Clara Dhama Group, Santa Clara, CA
Zen Buddhist Mission, Miami, FL
Santa Cruz Zen Center, Santa Cruz, CA
Zen Center of Los Angeles, CA
Seattle Dharma Center, Seattle, WAS
Zen Center of Los Angeles, Angeles - Affiliate,
Shasta Abbey - HQ of the Order of Buddhist
Tucson, AZ
Contemplative, Mt. Shasta, CA
Bakersfield, CA
Sonoma Mountain Zen Center, Santa Rosa, CA
Santa Barbara Ca
Stone Mountain Zendo, Roanoke, VA
Coral Gables, FL
Sunday Sangha, San Antonio, TX
Atlanta, GA
Baltimore, MD
Tendai Lotus, Boyes Hot Springs, CA
Zen Center of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Texas Buddhist Association, Inc, Houston, TX
Zen Center Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ
The Buddhist Temple, Nashville, TN
Zen Group (Gay and Lesbian), Los Angeles, CA
The Buddhist Theosophical Society, Lafayette, LA
Zen Institute of San Diego, CA
The Foundation of Peace, Clearwater, FL
Zen Lunatics Planetary Service
The Meditation Place, Providence, RI
Zen Mountain Center
The Metta Foundation, Garrison, NY
Corte Madera, CA
The Metta Foundation California Center,
Mountain Center, CA
Santa Rosa, CA
Desert Hot Springs, CA
Turtle Hill Sangha, Summertown, TN
Idyllwild, CA
Zen Sitting Group, San Francisco, CA
Vajrapani Institute, Boulder Creek CA
Zenshjui Soto Mission, Los Angeles, CA
Figure 1-4.Buddhist centers in the United StatesContinued
Like all great religions, Buddhism teaches the
importance of godly or holy values. Buddhism teaches
that if a person has a pure mind, everything he or she
does will be pure and decent; and that if a person has a
pure heart, all happiness will come to him or her.
Truths and Virtues
The highest virtue is universal charity-giving all
you can to anybody who needs help. The Buddhist
philosophy of charity is evident in the following excerpt
from the 10 blessings asked of Buddha:
To serve wise men, and not to serve fools, to
give honor to whom honor is due, this is the
greatest blessing. To dwell in a pleasant land,
to have done good deeds in a former birth, to
have the right desires for ones self, this the
greatest blessing. To succor father and mother,
to cherish wife and child, to follow a peaceful
calling, this is the greatest blessing. To give
alms and live righteously, to help ones relatives
and do blameless deeds, this is the greatest
blessing. They who act like this are invincible
on every side, on every side they walk in safety,
and theirs is the greatest blessings.
For arriving at the truths of religion, Buddhism
teaches an eightfold path consisting of these virtues: (1)
right views, (2) intention, (3) speech, (4) action, (5)
livelihood, (6) effort, (7) mindfulness, and (8) right
concentration. Movement toward these truths will
assist the devotee toward abolishment of all desire,
hatred, and ignorance.
In his teachings, Buddha
acknowledged that this goal was a long process.
Therefore, he taught that each person could have an
unknown number of lives in which to attain supreme
Buddhism teaches reincarnation, a religious belief
common in the east. Reincarnation proposes that a
person is born many times. In each new life, the person
is better than in the life before. Buddha taught that the