An overview at the beginning of your support guide is intended for those individuals who may find it
difficult to read or consume all that is given in the support guide. If a person or family does nothing else,
they should prepare the items outlined on this page.
Check the RECORD OF EMERGENCY DATA (Service Record Page 2). Be sure it is correct.
Check the BENEFICIARIES. Are they correct and up to date, including servicemens Group Life
Insurance (SGLI) and personal insurance policies?
Are the DEPENDENT ID CARDS AND DEERS enrollment current and in good condition? Think
ahead, will they expire during periods of separation or deployment? This can effect medical and dental
Are service members and spouses WILLS in order?
Does the service member have current POWER OF ATTORNEY (general or specific) for the spouse?
Has the service member completed a NAVY AND MARINE CORPS RELIEF AUTHORIZATION
FORM for the spouse?
Has the service member explained to the spouse EMERGENCY PROCEDURES to be followed? Navy
and Marine Corps Relief Society, Ombudsman, Red Cross, Chaplain... these are important tools for a
spouse to know during the service members absence!
Does the spouse know the service members SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER?
AUTOMOBILE LICENSE AND REGISTRATION. Are they current or will they expire during a
separation or deployment?
PAY DIRECT DEPOSIT and ALLOTMENTS. Start them well in advance of a departure.
Provide accurate telephone listings of most frequently used numbers both civilian and military. Provide
maps of bases and the area indicating the location of key referral human resource centers.
Provide an alphabetical listing of organizations and/or offices used. The hours of operation should be
given for general guidance only. You may include Armed Services YMCA, Office of the Chaplain,
chapel Services, Commissary, Counseling and Referrals, Credit Union, Navy Family Service Center,
Household Moves - Personal Property, Housing Office, Jobs, Legal Service, Library, Medical and
Champus, Morale Welfare and Recreation, Navy Exchange, Navy and Marine Corps Relief, Navy and
Marine Corps Relief Thrift Shop, Nursery - Child Care, Ombudsman, Personal Services Center,
Personnel Support Detachment, Poverty Programs, State and Local Government Community Services,
SATO, Security - Fire - Police Services, Service Station, Transportation, and Spouse Organization.
Provide a complete fill in the blank checklist for service member; a family checkoff list; general
information concerning military member, spouse child(ren) and other dependents; location of important
papers; location of family records; legal information such as wills and insurance; special information
such as property ownership, automobile, other personal property, bank accounts, safety deposit box(es);
loans and credit; and routine home problems checklist.
Figure 2-4.Outline of a support guide.