Regulatory Instructions for Shipboard
The Naval Service General Library Program,
SECNAVINST 5070.3, sets basic policies and assigns
responsibilities for administration and support of
general library programs.
The Naval General Library Manual, NAVEDTRA
38021, carries out the policies of SECNAVINST 5070.3
and defines the basis for library procedures. The library
manual provides guidance in administration, operation,
and maintenance for the library system programs of the
Navy and Marine Corps.
Commanding officers issue local library directives
and require reports of library activities needed to ensure
effective use of library facilities, materials, and services.
The following topics should be covered in all library
Location of the library, the days and hours of
operation, and telephone numbers
Personnel authorized to use the library and
requirements for setting up borrower
Rules for loan of library materials, including
length of loan periods, number of books loaned
to individuals at one time, and interlibrary loan
Overdue notice procedures and actions to be
taken to ensure the return of library materials
within the time period specified
Reimbursement procedures for library materials
lost, damaged, or destroyed
Directions on the use of music rooms,
audiovisual materials, and equipment in a
shipboard library compartment
Other matters such as appropriate dress and
As an RP, you should keep in mind that by providing
excellent library service, you are enhancing the morale
of your shipmates afloat. Before you can provide
quality service, however, you must first understand how
a general library afloat is staffed, organized, operated,
and maintained. This means you must have a basic
understanding of each of the following areas of library
Controlling materials
Coordinating and maintaining audiovisual
Preparing information displays and publicity
Maintaining periodical literature
Maintaining a reference library
Aiding customers in locating library materials
Checking library materials in and out
Repairing printed library materials
Library responsibilities should be designed so that
no one person will have the responsibility for all the
actions needed to develop and maintain an effective
library system. As an RP, you may be responsible for
many of these tasks. As you progress in the RP rating
and in your expertise in organizing and maintaining a
shipboard library, you will likely beheld responsible for
additional tasks within the Navys General Library
Program. In the following paragraphs, lets take a look
at some of these responsibilities and the persons to
whom they will likely be assigned.
Aboard ship, the commanding officer is responsible
for maintenance and operation of the General Library
Program. In most instances, commanding officers will
delegate the functions of the library officer as a collateral
Library Officer
The library officer is responsible for organizing,
planning, and administering the shipboard library.
Library officer duties can be performed by warrant
officers, commissioned officers, chief petty officers, or
by highly motivated and qualified petty officer
personnel. For example, as an RP3 assigned aboard a
deep-draft vessel, you will likely maintain the shipboard
library. By virtue of experience and training, a senior
RP may be assigned the duties of shipboard library
Basic functions, duties and responsibilities,
authority, and organizational relationships of the library