Services Administration (GSA) stock or may be
purchased from commercial library supply sources.
Navy Auxiliary Library Service Collections
Unlike interlibrary loans, Navy auxiliary library
service collections (ALSCs) provide materials directly
to members of the naval service upon personal letter
request. The materials in the ALSC are primarily books
that are of timely significance to naval personnel for
their intellectual and professional growth and
development. Usually these books have been reviewed
or otherwise highlighted in such professional journals
as the Naval War College Review or the Proceedings of
the U.S. Naval lnstitute. Many books in the ALSC are
also available in some of the larger libraries, but if a crew
member requests a book that is not available locally, it
may be borrowed from an ALSC.
To borrow one or more books, individuals should
write a personal letter to the appropriate ALSC. Figure
5-6 identifies the ALSCs and the areas they serve.
Overdue Materials
Concerning the return of library materials, library
directives set the basic command policy under which the
library operates.
In general, the procedures for
East and Gulf Coast,
South Atlantic,
Mediterranean, and Middle East
West Coast and
Western Pacific,
all other Asian and
Indian Ocean locations
processing overdue materials include the following
The first overdue notice is sent to the person
concerned 3 to 5 days after materials were due.
The second overdue notice is sent, again to the
person concerned, 3 to 5 days after the first
The third overdue notice is sent to the persons
division officer for action, 3 to 5 days after the
second notice.
Personnel leaving an activity also should checkout
with the shipboard library before detaching.
Fees and Fines
Fees may not be charged for use of materials in
naval general libraries.
When library materials in
circulation are lost, damaged, or destroyed by means
other than natural disasters or like incidents, persons
responsible must replace the lost materials or reimburse
the U. S. Government for the value of the materials.
Before crew members can borrow or use the
librarys materials, the materials must be processed and
Commanding Officer
Naval Station
(for: Station Library, Bldg C9)
Norfolk Virginia 23511
(for: Auxiliary Library Service Collection)
Commanding Officer
Naval Station, Box 15
(for: Station Library, Code 10, Bldg 152)
San Diego California 92136
(for: Auxiliary Library Service Collection)
Commanding Officer
Naval Station
(for: Station Library)
1514 Makalapa Drive
Honolulu Hawaii 96818
(for: Auxiliary Library Service Collection)
Figure 5-6.Auxiliary library service collections.