In addition to service maintenance contracts, the
Navy has a program of planned maintenance service
(PMS). This is a form of programmed care and
troubleshooting that when carefully done can reduce
machine breakdowns.
Now that we have talked about the general
appearance of the office, lets take a look at some of the
procedures for which you may be responsible.
RPs afloat or ashore play an important role in
establishing human relations within the office of the
chaplain. Most of the time you will be the first point of
contact for visitors before they see the chaplain. It is of
great value to the chaplain that these visitors feel relaxed
upon entering the office for counseling or care. To be a
good receptionist, you must keep in mind that many of
the people who seek the advice and counsel of chaplains
may not be in the best spirits. Therefore, you must
remember to be friendly, sensitive, and polite.
Receptionist Tasks
Good receptionists are there to help. As a
receptionist, you should strive to be pleasant, friendly,
and gracious as a matter of routine. Even though some
visitors may seem to make unreasonable demands or
requests, you should maintain good manners and
VISITOR CONTACT. One of your most
important duties will be to greet the visitors.
Remember, your efforts to be pleasant and helpful will
contribute significantly to the success of the visitors
session with the chaplain as well as the atmosphere of
your RMF. When greeting visitors, try to keep the
following principles in mind:
l Greet visitors as soon as possible after they enter
the office spaces.
l Use a friendly smile and a pleasant tone of voice
to help put visitors at ease.
. Seek pertinent information concerning the
visitors name, reason for the visit, which chaplain the
visitor wishes to see, and whether the visitor has made
an appointment.
. Listen attentively to the visitors inquiries to
determine what actions you must take.
. Personally escort the visitor to the person he or
she wishes to see. Never assume that a visitor is familiar
with the RMF.
. Introduce or announce the visitor to the chaplain.
. See that the visitors needs are met.
. Remember that you are not a counselor in the
absence of the chaplain.
When a chaplain is not
available, help the visitor to make an appointment. In
emergency situations, refer the visitor to the nearest
chaplain or resource agency, if appropriate.
. Keep a level head. Remember to think and to be
patient, calm, and kind.
Finally, all RPs must remember to maintain a
courteous and fair atmosphere in the office of the
chaplain. Accept full responsibility for your part in this.
You may discover this to be easier in one office than
another. Some offices may require additional energy or
thought on your part to compensate for a less than
receptive or productive environment. Regardless of the
atmosphere of your office, the responsibility for a
welcoming and helpful tone remains yours.
difficult tasks of a receptionist is the ability to
communicate effectively on the telephone.
This is
because neither you nor the visitor can see or detect each
others gestures over the phone.
Gestures make up the nonverbal part of any message
between a sender and a receivcr. It is estimated that a
message that is transmitted in spoken words directly
between two persons is made up of 7 percent actual
words, 38 percent tone of voice, and 55 percent gestures.
With 55 percent of the message missing in conversations
that are not face to face, it is easy to understand why
telephone communication is so difficult. This is why
you must be especially skillful when you communicate
over the telephone. You can be very effective in your
telephone contacts if you try to use the following
. Speak clearly and distinctly. Use a steady voice
that can be easily heard by the other person on the line.
Practice your telephone-speaking voice.
l Before placing a call, make notes of the key
conversation points you wish to cover.
. Vary the volume of your voice to help maintain
l Speak slowly and express your words so that the
other person can easily understand the message.
. Be polite and professional. (Sometimes this may
take effort and tact.)