Figure 1-14.Jewish order of worship.
in the unit mess. It may also be possible for Jewish
personnel to apply for separate rations.
For strict Kosher observance, the National
Jewish Welfare Board provides canned kosher foods.
These tamed foods are intended as supplements to
the diet of Jewish service members observing Kosher
who have no households of their own. A full brochure,
Kashrut Observance in the Military Establishment, is
available from the Jewish Welfare Board (JWB), 1515
East 26th Street, New York, NY 10010.
There are a number of life cycle events in Jewish
life in which service members may require the
services of a rabbi. When a Jewish chaplain is not
available, you should help Jewish service members to
make every effort to secure the services of the nearest
Birth, Youth, and Confirmation Rites
Some of the life cycle events of Jewish service
families may include the following rituals:
Birth of a boy. According to Jewish law, a
boy should be circumcised on the eighth day after
birth. The Jewish lay reader or the chaplain should
arrange to have the mohel, a specialist for this
operation, perform the circumcision. When it is
impossible to secure a mohel, a Jewish physician can
perform the circumcision while a knowledgeable
Jewish layman reads the appropriate blessings.
Birth of a girl. When a daughter is born it is
often customary for the father to go to the synagogue
to have her given a Hebrew name and receive a
blessing upon this important occasion.
Bar Mitzvah. On his 13th birthday, a Jewish
boy celebrates his Bar Mitzvahhis coming of age as
a member of the congregation.
Bat Mitzvah. On her 13th birthday, a Jewish
girl celebrates her Bat Mitzvah. The Bat Mitzvah is
the equivalent of the Jewish boys Bar Mitzvah.
Shevuoth. In their 15th or 16th year, Jewish
boys and girls participate in a Confirmation ceremony
held in the synagogue at the Shevuoth festival in
Other major life cycle events include weddings
and funerals. We will look at both of these events in
the following sections.