Figure 4-37.Table of allowance for Chapels and Religious Education Centers from NAVFAC P-80.
in Section 730 of NAVFAC P-80, Facility
Planning Factor Criteria for Navy and Marine
Corps Shore Installations (generally refered to
as Facilities Planning Guide).
Other factors, as outlined in NAVFAC P-80,
Facilities Planning Guide, Section 730, will have
an effect upon the population count, and
adjustments will need to be made. Once the
population count is determined and statistical
data analysis is provided, this information
is used to determine the adequacy of existing
chapel facilities. While NAVFAC P-80 is not
the sole source for determining facilit ade-
quacy, it is the reference used to give strong
indication as to adequacy. The following addi-
tional major Navy references will provide valuable