normally prepared by the classification inter-
viewer at recruit training commands. This form
includes information about the recruit prior to and
at the time of entry into the Navy. Such infor-
mation as the recruits aptitude test scores, civilian
education and training, personal interests, and the
classification interviewers recommendation
regarding the enlisted members assignment is
contained on this form. This service record page
is a permanent record and remains unchanged
during the enlisted members career in the Navy.
Navy Occupation/Training and
Awards History (NAVPERS
1070/604Page 4)
The Navy Occupation/Training and Awards
History (NAVPERS 1070/604) is a three-page
form. Page 1 (figure 2-17) provides information
concerning the service members Navy Enlisted
Classification (NEC) codes, record of special
designations, record of Navy service schools
attended, training courses completed, and educa-
tional experience.
Page 2 (figure 2- 18) provides information con-
cerning the members personnel advancement
requirements, performance tests, advancements
in rate, reductions in rate, changes in rating,
record of off-duty education and voca-
tional/technical training, good conduct awards,
decorations and marksmanship awards, cam-
paign/service and other awards, and other
training courses/instructions completed. Page 3
(figure 2-19) provides information on personnel
qualification standards completed.
History of Assignments
(NAVPERS 1070/605Page 5)
The History of Assignments (NAVPERS
1070/605) shown in figure 2-20 provides a
chronological record of the ships and stations that
an enlisted person has been assigned to during an
active duty career. It is also used to record the
dates of a members enlistments, extensions, and
discharges. The History of Assignments is a
permanent part of the service record while the
enlisted person is on active duty. If the enlisted
member is discharged or released from active
duty, the PN takes one of the following actions:
The original is forwarded with the closed
service record to the Naval Reserve Personnel
Center, except for members who immediately
The original is forwarded directly to the
Commander Naval Military Personnel Command
with other required documents for members who
immediately reenlist.
A certified copy is placed on the left-hand
side of the new service record under the Career
Performance Separator in the case of an
immediate reenlistment.
A certified copy is given to a member who
is being discharged, transferred to the Fleet
Reserve, Retired Reserve, or permanently retired.
Record of Unauthorized
Absence (NAVPERS 1070/606-Page 6)
A Record of Unauthorized Absence
(NAVPERS 1070/606) is shown in figure 2-21.
This form is used to:
Report all unauthorized absences in excess
of 24 hours.
Report changes to expiration of active
obligated service dates.
Report expiration of enlistment dates as
a result of unauthorized absence and/or time not
served because of civil confinement.
Report confinement of enlisted persons in
the hands of civil authorities.
Correct or modify a report made on a
previous NAVPERS 1070/606.
Court Memorandum
(NAVPERS 1070/607Page 7)
A Court Memorandum (NAVPERS 1070/
607) is shown in figure 2-22. This form is used
to report all court-martial actions where a guilty
finding is made by the court and approved by the
convening authority. This form may also be
used to report:
Any nonjudicial punishment that affects
pay including reduction in paygrade.