Protestant Group
The Protestant Advisory Council consulted
with Chaplain Jones concerning the various
organizations that they thought should receive
donations. Following the discussion with
Chaplain Jones, the council decided to recom-
mend to the commanding officer that donations
be made to the following organizations and
directed RP2 Ship, when authorized, to prepare
the Purchase Orders for these donations. Ap-
proval was received and the Purchase Orders
were prepared on 29 September 1980.
1. Navy Relief Societyfigure II-5-44 shows
the Purchase Order for this transaction; figure
II-5-45 shows the check issued by the chapel
fund administrator for the donation. The entry
required to bring the Receipts and Expenditures
Record up to date is shown in figure II-5-46.
2. American Red Crossfigure II-5-47
shows the Purchase Order for this transaction;
figure II-5-48 shows the check issued by the
chapel fund administrator for the donation. The
entry required to bring the Receipts and Ex-
penditures Record up to date is shown in figure
3. American Bible Societyfigure II-5-50
shows the Purchase Order for this transaction;
figure II-5-51 shows the check issued by the
chapel fund administrator for the donation. The
entry required to bring the Receipts and Ex-
penditures Record up to date is shown in figure
4. Church World Service-figure II-5-53
shows the Purchase Order for this transaction;
figure II-5-54 shows the check issued by the
chapel fund administrator for the donation. The
entry required to bring the Receipts and Ex-
penditures Record up to date is shown in figure
5. World Relief Commissionfigure II-5-56
shows the Purchase Order for this transaction;
figure II-5-57 shows the check issued by the
chapel fund administrator for the donation. The
entry required to
penditures Record
bring the Receipts and Ex-
up to date is shown in figure
6. World Vision Internationalfigure
II-5-59 shows the Purchase Order for this trans-
action; figure II-5-60 shows the check issued by
the chapel fund administrator for the donation.
The entry required to bring the Receipts and
Expenditures Record up to date is shown in
figure II-5-61.
(SEPTEMBER 30, 1980)
It is time to make all the closing entries for
the month of September. First, the petty cash
fund must be replenished.
Petty Cash Vouchers
The chapel fund administrator must attach
all supporting invoices and receipts to each Petty
Cash Voucher upon surrendering them to the
Roman Catholic and Protestant account custo-
dians for payment.
On each Petty Cash
Voucher, the chapel fund administrator writes
the word Paid followed by the date and the
number of the check which will be used to make
replenishment to the chapel fund. Figures
II-5-62, II-5-63, II-5-64, and II-5-65 show the
Petty Cash Vouchers charged to the Roman
Catholic and Protestant accounts for the month
of September.
Purchase Order
(Part 3)
Each of the account custodians prepares a
Purchase Order for the amount that was used by
their individual accounts. The Roman Catholic
account custodian would prepare a Purchase
Order for .84 which is the amount that was
charged to his account for the month. Figure
II-5-66 shows this Purchase Order. The Protes-
tant account custodian would prepare a Pur-
chase Order for which is the amount
that was charged to her account for the month.
Figure II-5-67 shows this Purchase Order.