. MusicWho is authorized to play the RMF
organ? Can the RMF provide a piano? The RMF
organist is a professional musician who is able to assist
the bride in the selection of the appropriate music,
soloist, and accompanists. All selected music must be
approved by the officiating clergyperson(s) since the
religious event is the responsibility of the clergy.
. Dressing areasDiscuss dressing areas and
responsibility for valuables left unattended.
. Inclement weatherDiscuss inclement weather
. TimeDiscuss punctuality and time limita-
tions, especially in the case of multiple events.
. Rice, confetti, and bird seedDiscuss the
guidelines for their use and establish who cleans up.
(After all, the Sunday congregation does not need to
come into an RMF where rice or confetti is scattered
. LocationPrepare and provide maps of the
installation, especially if the RMF is not easily
located. If necessary, prepare and provide area
l CourtesyIn keeping with Navy tradition, the
commanding officer is accountable and responsible for
the quality of service provided as part of the CRP.
Prepare and provide the commanding officers name
and address so the wedding party can respond with
questions, suggestions, comments, and recognition.
. FeesThere is no fee for the use of the RMF. A
donation is acceptable and appropriate. Other fees for
any professional services, including civilian clergy, are
arranged in writing with the person or persons involved
and are payable at the time of the ceremony.